Red Toucan in Tennies – Watercolor



“Lost warriors have only to open their eyes to find the right and good path.

Chief Red Mountain

“We all carry a fountain of joy inside. This joy is not something special given to only a few of us. An abundance of joy, happiness, and peace is our right. Our hearts were meant to be full of love and laughter.  Life will not be without troubles, but joy and gratitude will heal all wounds and shine through all problems.”

Nancy Hull-Mast

Copyright Beth Parker Art 2013

Red Toucan in Tennies – Watercolor

One may think I don’t like painting bird feet.  🙂

I leave for vacation two weeks from today!  Yay!  I only take one week off every other year, unless I travel for business.   Business trips don’t count, although I do try to add a day off to every trip, in case there’s something I want to do in that particular city.  I am really looking forward to this trip.  I get to spend time with family and some alone artist time.  Both good!

I couldn’t find any biographical info on either of these people, but I certainly like what they have to say.


“Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing.”
– William Butler Yeats


Watercolor & Ink

Another bird painted in the hotel room during the storm.  It’s amazing how my art took my mind off of all the turmoil taking place outside.  Isn’t it wonderful to be able to do that?

We may venture to our house Friday evening.  We haven’t been there since Monday.  We’re looking forward to spending the weekend in our own home.  They are forecasting snow for Friday, Monday and Wednesday, but not this much.  I hope everyone reading this is safe and warm.

About William Butler Yeats

Irish author William Butler Yeats, known for his mysticism and Celtic imagery, won a Nobel Prize for his plays but ultimately achieved more renown as a poet. He was born in Dublin in 1865. Co-founder of the Abbey Theater, he served as its resident playwright and worked with actress Maude Gonne, who inspired the romantic longing expressed in many poems. He married at age 52 and co-wrote A Vision with his wife, a book with occult roots that explores the mythology in his poetry. He died in 1939.