Another Sneak Peek at Bethville

“Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.”
– Virginia Satir

Copyright Beth Parker Art 2012

Sneak Peek – 6″ x 12″ Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

I finished the first three paintings in the Bethville series over the weekend.  It’s really cloudy outside or I’d get a better photo.  This is taken on saw horses in my sign shop lobby.   Maybe by Wednesday, I’ll have the full view for you.  🙂

Did you watch the Academy Awards last night?  I watched about an hour of it and my favorite part was seeing Octavia Spencer win an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.  She cried!  It was so sweet that I was almost crying with her.    I really need to watch The Help.  I still haven’t seen it.  Have you?

About Virginia Satir

American psychotherapist Virginia Satir played a central role in shaping family therapy. She was born in Wisconsin in 1916. While working as a teacher, she became deeply involved in the lives of her students and their parents. This led to graduate school and a career change. She took on the mission of inspiring therapists to work with families. She cofounded the Mental Health Research Institute in California, where she held the first-ever family-therapy training program. She died in 1988.